Friday, November 30, 2007


I'm simple and so they mistake my simplicity for simple minded
But I'm on a mission to be that reminder
That anything is possible
So as this waste matter accumulates into feces
I give u a piece of me
To make into manure to feed a nation starving for truth

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What's my password?

As I try to gain access through answering the key question of what's my password?
I entered BEAUTY and they said that I was incorrect because indeed the answer was COMPLEXITY
And I guess that's the only way to gain access to my thought processes
Cuz beauty just doesn't define me.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


REALITY... seems like fragments of a nightmare that hosts my sub-conscious nights every so often
Like sometimes I have to pinch myself to see if I'm really alive
Because as much as I don't chase tangible wealth
I crave happiness by my theory entails love, comfort and security
But my security is constantly challenged when things like these surface
Like forms that requires copies of me
As if I'm a citizen of somewhere
All I am is a place of birth and a temporary stay
Resident of life and a citizen of hope
Reality is something I always try to give
But it seems like I just can't win
When I am a recipient

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I sat there on a surface that's been robbed off the backs of innocent animals
But that's not the thoughts that surface in this complex mind of mine
I think of the direction my life is going
And how is it that I value love more than material gain?
I sit and ponder on past relationships gone bad
The times I've made the significant other signify hurt and lost
Because they never seem to meet the need of my obscure wants
So I sit here watching the leaves change
Thinking how the seasons make no changes
Because the o-zone is fucked up
And we're pondering on a theory that we ourselves created the hypothesis and proof
So I sit here at what is now 12:26 am
Five minutes after the initiation of this blog
As I look through this phonebook, I see no name that will stimulate my thought processes

Monday, November 5, 2007


it mends, breaks and alters mood swings
I sometimes sit and ponder on its effects
How's it that we value what others think of us so highly?
As if what they say is the standing system of laws

I break away from all the chains u try to bind me in
And awake to a daybreak not confounded to your views of me
Because I rule my own destiny
And in this path I chose to say FUCK YOU!!!


Met her the first time like a mirror that spoke back
It had a voice, and opinions that differed from mine,
But I can see right through her lies
Right through her pretenses
Because she is me
She stares spontaneously
Smiles in between silent pauses
And the glimpses causes...
My heart to flutter
Even though there's no attraction
So her fingernails become my distraction
As we sat across from eachother, drinking cups of coffee
What an introductionPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Founding Mothers

Somehow I got trapped in the clause of an amendment to your constitution
So like a rebel I escape to get out of all your boxes
You tried to make me a part of your production of industrial clones
I was trying to gain approval from you
Sorry that I have a brain to decipher between what's good for me and what's toxic
Sorry I'm not suicidal to take u in large doses
Big enough to kill a whole nation
It's not really my style
So I took u in increments that made me immune to you
I'm no longer afraid to be in your presence
Because you no longer affect me
So as I sign this bill, in order to counter the previous statute
I, Tishka Dupera hereby denounce you